Episode 31 - Fear of Flying
In an attempt to read a great feminist classic, we chose to discuss Erica Jong's Fear of Flying. Is it a classic, does it hold up, do we even feel good calling it feminist? Look no further, the answers are here.
We'll be reading Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark for our next episode, and then doing a full discussion of Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House for the following week.
Here’s the insane apartment complex going up near Grand Rapids that’s supposed to look like the castle that Cinderella’s castle is supposed to look like that Isadora calls “phony".”
photo via woodtv 8
It’s so terrible I can hardly stand it, so here’s the actual best thing to come out of Fear of Flying. I can’t believe I forgot to mention it on the episode!! This is a very dirty novelty song by The Bangers called “Baby Let Me Bang Your Box” and it’s a legit, uh, banger. I’m not even joking. Add it to your party playlist.