Episode 29.5 - The Bookstore Call Center

Episode 29.5 - The Bookstore Call Center

The long awaited call-in episode is here! We finally get to hear your beautiful voices and answer your questions/respond to your stories and we have absolutely the most fun we've ever had recording an episode. Also there is a thunderstorm in the background - so it's basically one of those white noise CD's, too!!

The long awaited call-in episode is here! We finally get to hear your beautiful voices and answer your questions/respond to your stories and we have absolutely the most fun we've ever had recording an episode. Also there is a thunderstorm in the background - so it's basically one of those white noise CD's, too!!

If you'd like to give us a call (you do.. you know you do) our phone number is 616-730-1656, or you can email us a voice memo at thebookstorepodcast@gmail.com.

Next week we will be discussing Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke. Find it at your local bookstore or library and read along with us!

Here's a list of the other book podcasts we mentioned:
The New Yorker: Fiction
The New Yorker: Writer's Voice
Library Talks (the new name of The New York Public Library Podcast)
Mostly Lit
Brit Lit Podcast
The Blume Saloon
Reading Women
The Book Club Review Podcast
LeVar Burton Reads
My Dad Wrote a Porno
Public Domain Theater

Here are the photos Corinne promised of stuff found in books:




Episode 30 - Bluebird, Bluebird

Episode 30 - Bluebird, Bluebird

Episode 29 - Wind/Pinball

Episode 29 - Wind/Pinball