2021 January: a book you think you should’ve read by now February: indie publisher March: already own April: 2020 award winner May: written in the year you were born June: genre: fantasy/romance/beach read July: backlist by an author you love August: women in translation September: debut author October: genre: mystery/suspense/horror November: non-fiction December: published before 1950
2022 January: adapted into a movie or tv show February: people keep telling you to read March: published by an indie press April: by an author who shares your zodiac sign May: won an award June: reread a book you haven’t read in years July: under 200 pages August: in translation written by a woman September: a YA or banned book October: inspired by a folktale or fairy tale November: non-fiction December: published in 2022
2023 January: published in a year ending in 3 February: western or pulp fiction March: about disability or by a disabled author April: ask a librarian or bookseller for a recommendation May: a book about or an author from a place you’ve never been June: previously did not finish July: under 200 pages August: 500+ pages or a graphic novel September: with an animal in the title October: takes place on another planet or in a different dimension November: about death or a disaster December: by an author who shares your last initial
2024 January: set in a place where you’re from February: a memoir by a writer March: with a name in the title April: genre: environmental fiction May: recommended by a favorite author June: about a doppelganger or twins July: written 20 years before you were born August: won a translation award September: by a celebrity October: genre: gothic/monster/vampire November: about a lost city or civilization December: your definition of cozy