The Bookstore is a podcast for book discussion and reviews hosted by former booksellers (and, briefly, housemates) Becca and Corinne, who are desperate to have books back in their lives.

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Becca’s primary goal in life is to be 18th century abolitionist Quaker dwarf Benjamin Lay. She has a BA in English and has lived in the UK and Australia. Becca likes tennis, cross stitching, and the television show Bones (DM her your best Brennan/Booth fanfic).

What she likes in her reading is tragedy, complicated magic systems, and an overall atmosphere of weirdness. What she doesn’t like is a far longer list. 

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Corinne has degrees in English and Photography and a day job unrelated to either. She has important opinions about pickles. She can write you a really, really good online dating profile if you want.

Corinne prefers literary fiction that is weird enough to be offputting.

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